Kumamoto Castle : In spring, around 800 cherry blossom trees bloom magnificently, enhancing the beauty of the castle.

Kumamoto Castle is a castle built in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture.Kumamoto Castle was built by Kiyomasa Kato, who was called the god of civil engineering.The vast grounds of the castle are 980,000 square meters, and the castle has a circumference of 5.3 kilometers.Kumamoto Castle is a huge fortress prepared for actual battles and is known as an impregnable castle.

The top floor of the castle tower is an observatory, and you can see the scenery of Kumamoto city and, if the weather is nice, the mountains of Aso.You can also explore underground passages, and at the "Kumamoto Castle Museum," you can enjoy learning about the history and culture surrounding Kumamoto Castle through videos and exhibits. Additionally, in spring, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of approximately 800 cherry blossom trees of three types: yamazakura, higosakura, and Somei-Yoshino, all in full bloom.

ASA offers tours that include stops at Kyushu's attractions, including Kumamoto Castle. Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries.


Sakurajima : You can feel the grandeur and blessings of an active volcano with all five senses.


You can experience "Chikuzen Akane-zome," a traditional Japanese dyeing technique In Iizuka City, Fukuoka.